Rose Drops


Hi! I’m a senior at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I’m studying a dual of mechanical engineering and PDI (Programs in Design and Innovation). I’m hoping to one day work in manufacturing and product design. I recently studyied abroad in Denmark, and I wanted to share my experience with all my friends and family back home, so I started to blog weekly about life in Denmark! I also love baking and crafting, so I like to put up little tutorials, recipes, and pictures of successful treats on here too. I hope you enjoy!

Yes, I am drinking straight from a coconut! This was taken in Rio, Brazil.

Things I Love:
  • Cats
  • Peanut Butter
  • Chocolate
  • Coconuts (seriously, I’m obsessed. I have coconut deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray. I also love love love coconut water.)
  • Exploring. Every time I go for a walk in my town, I notice new things. Even though I’ve lived here for 6 years, there is still so much for me to see!
  • Crafting. I especially love making jewelry. I really enjoy working with metal. Unfortunately blacksmithing requires a bit more upper body strength than I have, but silversmithing is perfect for me!
  • Baking. I’m learning to cook a little too this summer, but anything with butter and sugar in it is so much more fun to make!

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