Rose Drops

Easy Shoe Refashion

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Now that it’s the summer, I have time once again to do fun crafty things! Between 5 classes, a job, dance classes, my sorority, and attempting to have a social life, I didn’t have much time to pursue hobbies. All my hard work was worth it though, as I pulled through with an increased GPA. However, as soon as senior week was over, I opened up my box of crafts and looked through my Pinterest to get some inspiration. I want to keep busy this summer!

I’d started wearing some old Chucks from high school that were, at some point, a very light pink, but by this point were closer to grey. After getting a few comments about how grungy they looked, I threw them in the washing machine. When they came out, they were much better, but the tongues were still blackened from the dirt caking in the creases. I remembered seeing a picture of some Converse with different colored tongues, so I thought that would be a fun and easy refashion. I found this nice bright fabric scrap in my fabric box, left over from making letters for my little when she got initiated. I thought it was perfect. It’s a different color, but has hints of pink.

Just a little ironing

Just a little ironing

After scouring the web to find a tutorial, I only found ones that involved completely taking the shoe apart. I did not want to get involved in a big sewing project, not yet at least. I need to warm up a little. Instead,I ironed out the fabric and the sneakers and traced the outline of the tongue on the back of the fabric. This was a little difficult because the tongue is sewn under the side flaps, so it was only an approximate outline. I’m hoping nobody will be spending time staring at the imperfections in my old sneakers.

I pinned the fabric to the shoe so tracing would be easier

I pinned the fabric to the shoe so tracing would be easier



I cut out the outline and, using some spray adhesive, stuck the new tongue covers onto the old grungy tongues! Easy as pie! No, it’s not the most perfect refashion, but it put some life back into my old sneakers, and I love to tell people that I updated them myself. I even tried a new lacing style so that the tongue shows through more.


After! (Too bad I never got a before picture)

After! (Too bad I never got a before picture)

Maybe next I’ll get some new laces. Even after I washed them, they are still stained. More to come soon!


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