Rose Drops

Recipe: French Toast Stackers

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Hi everyone. It’s been really nice out lately (except today, when it was grey and rainy), so I spent my weekend outside. It was great! I don’t have any interesting stories from my past week though, so I thought I’d share the recipe for the French Toast Stackers.

One morning my boyfriend and I went to Manory’s, one of the best breakfast places in Troy, NY. I complained that I couldn’t decide whether to order eggs or French toast. It’s always a conundrum for me. My date pointed out the French Toast Stacker on the Specials menu, and it has been one of my favorite meals ever since. I wanted to share it with my family and friends who don’t live in Troy, so I figured out how to make it for them. It’s very simple, as it is basically a breakfast sandwich on French toast.

The French toast recipe I use is based on one I found on All Recipes. Here’s the link: After using that recipe a couple of times, I updated it by adding more eggs. Combine that with the basic bacon, scrambled eggs, and a slice of cheese, and you’re set.

This recipe requires you to be cooking three things at once. The first time I made it, I was a little overwhelmed, but the second time, I had it down. It really helps to have everything out and ready before you start. It’s also great to have a helper, just to keep an eye on things and make sure they don’t burn. Otherwise, I would make sure everyone stays out of your way in the kitchen. Also, if you’re in NY’s Capital District, I would stop by Manory’s in Troy to get the real deal!

French Toast Stacker with pan potatoes on the side.

French Toast Stacker with pan potatoes on the side.

French Toast Stackers

This recipe is for one stacker. That way you can scale for any number of people!


3 eggs (divided)

2 teaspoons of flour

3 tablespoons of milk (divided)

A pinch of salt

1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (To taste. I always add more, because I love cinnamon.)

1/4 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 teaspoon sugar (brown or white)

2 thick slices of bread

1 or 2 slices of bacon (optional)

1 slice of  smoked Gouda cheese (Feel free to replace with whichever type you prefer.)

Butter or coconut oil to grease the egg and toast pans

Pure maple syrup (none of that fake stuff!)


(Almost) everything you’ll need!

1. Start by mixing the flour and 2 tablespoons of the milk together in a large mixing bowl. If you have one with a flat bottom, I would use that. Otherwise you will have to transfer the mixture into a flat bottomed pan before you dip the bread into it.

2. Whisk in the salt, one of the eggs, the cinnamon, vanilla, and sugar.

3. Meanwhile, in a pan, place a slice or two of bacon. Cook until crispy, turning over once.

4. Beat the remaining two eggs with the last tablespoon of milk in a small bowl.

Eggs and French toast dip

Eggs and French toast dip

5. Heat a second pan over medium high heat. Put a pat of butter or oil on it. I normally have to re-oil the pan after every slice of bread.

6. Soak both sides of the slice of bread in the egg and flour mixture. Place on the heated pan and cook until golden brown on each side.

7. While the bread is cooking, heat a small, lightly oiled pan over medium heat.

8. Pour egg mixture into pan, and stir with a spatula often enough to keep the eggs from sticking to the pan.

Scramblin' Eggs

Scramblin’ Eggs

9. TIP: If the toast is done before the other parts, cover it so it stays warm.

10. Assemble the stacker by putting the scrambled eggs on one of the pieces of toast. Place the slice of cheese on top of the eggs, and the bacon on top of the cheese. Top it off with the second slice of toast. Finish by slicing the stacker and drizzling maple syrup generously on top.

11. Enjoy!




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